AHML Statement

November 6, 2023

As a result of continued speculation and recent false communication by someone associated with the library, I feel the need to address the circumstances that led to my resignation from the Arlington Heights Memorial Library in 2021.

I was recently contacted by an Arlington Heights acquaintance and asked if it was true that I was suing a former trustee, the library and the library board of trustees. The reason: because the former trustee had been aware of the relationship between the library’s Executive Director and an employee.

Hopefully publicly addressing the questions I have been asked for two years will stop further speculation regarding my resignation and raise questions about the library board’s oversight of the Executive Director.

I resigned from my job as the Deputy Director of the Arlington Heights Memorial Library on September 1, 2021. Arlington Heights is my hometown and I had worked at the library for over 10 years.

I was not fired or asked to resign. The Executive Director was unaware of my intent to resign until the day I handed him my letter of resignation. On that day, I first spoke with my direct reports to tell them I was resigning, affective immediately. I then spoke with the Human Resources manager and then the Executive Director.

At the time of my resignation, I was aware of the inappropriate relationship between the library’s Executive Director Mike Driskell and his direct report Donna Ekl, the Director of Finance. 

The actions of the Executive Director and the Director of Finance had created a duplicitous work environment that directly affected library operations.

In 2020 I had a conversation with the Executive Director regarding employee concerns, including his conduct with the Director of Finance. Employee concerns were ignored by the Executive Director and advocating for employee and community needs became impossible.

After employees contacted library trustees in 2020 and 2021, I had conversations with two library trustees about the Executive Director. There was no action taken by the trustees to address employee concerns with the Executive Director.

Finally, to address the recent false communication that I am pursuing legal action; I have not, I am not and I will not be suing the library or anyone associated with the library. My resignation was the action I needed to take for my personal wellbeing and professional expectations of conduct and culture.

Further questions or concerns about the library should be directed to the elected library board of trustees. https://www.ahml.info/about/board